Candidates Night

We make sure the people of Hayfork have the opportunity to learn and ask questions about our local candidates’ positions and measures affecting our community by hosting Candidates Nights during election years.

Hayfork Scholarships

We donate to support the vocational training of our students with a direct scholarship to graduating seniors and contributions to a continuation scholarship fund via the Hayfork Scholarship Foundation.

Thanksgiving Dinner

Every Thanksgiving we proudly serve the best dinner in town to anyone who wants to join us and give thanks to our wonderful community. We offer hot turkey, multiple sides and a variety of decadent desserts, all at no cost to our guests. Come on down, meet your neighbors and celebrate the start of the holiday season.

Tree Lighting

Every year we partner with the the Friends of the Hayfork Park to celebrate the holidays at our famous Hayfork Christmas Festival. Families from all over Trinity County come to Hayfork to share delicious snacks, meet Santa Claus and, once the sun sets, watch the tree lighting and Parade of Lights.

-Hayfork Resident